The oldest known tattoos are on a 5,000-year-old mummy named Ötzi.
Small marks were found sitting over his joints, which are believed to be marked zones for pain relief.
In the past, tattoos were used to mark slaves.
The Christian Church fought against the tattoo tradition in Europe,
for according to the Old Testament, body adornment is a sin.
When Europeans began their journeys of discovery and colonization around the world in the 16th and 17th centuries, they encountered many people who thought it was still natural to get a tattoo. A man from the Philippines was tattooed all over his body his name was Gialo, in 1691 an Englishman took Gialo with him to England where he was allowed to travel around as a Sight. In Europe, it was generally believed that the tattooed were cannibals.
In 1774, another man was brought in, this time a man from Polynesia named Omai. He was taken to England for the same reason as Gialo. Omaj became known very quickly in London. He was known as the savage who ran around the fine streets of London. He toured around the country as an exhibit. Tattooed people were a big attraction. Sailors and other people on the move usually had tattoos, which led to the development of tattoo art in Europe.
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