Things to think about before your tattoo

Tattoo Checklist

  • If you are a blood donor you can not donate blood for 6 months after the tattoo.
  • If you have surgery or treatment planned within the next few months, it may not be appropriate to get a tattoo. Always consult your doctor if you are not sure what is okay.
  • There is an 18 year age limit that applies to getting a tattoo at Skindiver Tattoo. There are no exceptions to this rule and guardian approval does not change this.
  • You must be able to present valid identification. If you are unable to do so, Skindiver Tattoo reserves the right to refuse you treatment.
  • A tattoo is permanent , think through your decision carefully and be sure of what you want
  • When you make your booking, you should know what you want for the tattoo. (Design, location, size and color scheme.) This makes it easier for both you and your tattoo artist. Feel free to share inspo pictures with your tattoo artist. You may like the colors in one image and the style in another. The more you can describe your vision the better. Before your sitting, you need to approve the sketch you and your tattoo artist have agreed on.
  • Take care of your skin. Lubricate the intended area daily the week before your booked time. Moisturized and soft skin makes a big difference in how the colors are received and settle during the treatment.
  • Children are not allowed in the studio! If you have children, you need to find a babysitter at the time of the tattoo. A tattoo parlor is not a safe environment for a child to live in.
  • Choose suitable clothes for the treatment. Try to wear or bring for change, soft and loose-fitting clothes in airy materials. Suitable for the intended treatment area are eg: Arm = T-shirt, linen. Not long sleeves or shirt.
    Legs = Skirt or trousers with wide / stretchy legs, such as cozy trousers, which can be easily folded up.

Other things to think about

Get rested for your treatment.
It is sometimes easier said than done, but try to sleep well at night until your appointed time.
Stress, lack of sleep and fatigue means that the pain threshold is lower, the body tolerates less and heals more slowly.

Eat and drink properly some hours before your scheduled time.
Avoid nicotine, energy drinks, espresso, etc.
Feel free to bring something to chew on for your sitting.
Keeping your blood sugar up makes it easier for your body to stay stable during treatment.

You can bring one person to your session if you feel you need someone close to you.
Skindiver Tattoo’s room is not large and it gets easily staring, messy and loud in groups of friends.

Do not come to your session under the influence of alcohol or drugs .
Before the treatment, you will need to sign a Health Declaration where you certify that you
is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of treatment.
If you are noticeably affected, Skindiver Tattoo receives the right to refuse you treatment.

If the tattoo artist judges that for some reason the client should not undergo treatment
or if there is a reason to cancel an ongoing session, this needs to be respected by the client.
Skindiver Tattoo always reserves the right to refuse a client treatment.

Feel free to read the pages “Risks” and “Aftercare” before you choose to get a tattoo.

Everyday Tattoo studio Bangkok Thailand
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